Northern Pass

The Northern Pass is a proposed project to place or bury 1,110 towers across 192 miles from Quebec through New Hampshire and into Massachusetts. The total cost of this project will cost 1.6 billion dollars. There is a lot of controversy over this project and my opinion about this  is that it shouldn’t be passed. From reading articles and being lectured about the project, I got a pretty good understanding about the whole thing. If the towers were to be built all across New Hampshire, they would be passing through the White Mountains and even into people’s property. This is alone is one of the biggest concerns and no go’s for people. People like farmers don’t want this to happen because the towers could be buried or going through their fields. In an article by The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forest it states , “They want us to accept their insulting offer to bury only one third of the 190-mile line, leaving most communities along the route with unwanted visual blight. They want to cut closer yet to homes, playgrounds and schools. They want to take something from all of us”. Thus, there businesses and earnings would be destroyed and be forced to move elsewhere. Not to mention the fact that the towers may be buried in the land. I think this would be such a hassle being the land would have to be dug up and placed in. If everything doesn’t go as planned and the tower has a malfunction then the workers would have to dig it up and fix it. A concern for the state and its beauty is that the towers will affect its tourism. Many people like to come and see the mountains and land of New Hampshire. People won’t look at it the same way because of all the electrical towers running through. There are a few benefits that I agree on. The project would give a lot of job opportunities for people. People who qualify and don’t have a job could gain an earning from this. Also, construction workers that haven’t had a lot of work can take part in this. The towers would help bring clean energy to the region and solve the problem with energy that New Hampshire has been struggling with. Overall, I think that the Northern Pass is a no for and the state of New Hampshire needs to find other ways to reduce natural gases and bring clean energy to the region.

The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forest. “Trees Not Towers: Bury Northern Pass!” Forest Society, 20 July 2017,

Evans-Brown, Sam. “Understanding Northern Pass.” New Hampshire Magazine, 10 Jan. 2014,

Plan , Forward NH. “Project Overview.” Northern Pass, 28 Mar. 2018,
