Campus pond assignment
Myles Abbate and Shashi Vivarelli site #5 Screenshot from google earth Photo credit Myles Abbate General Purpose: The purpose of this was to test the health of the Proctor pond and see the effect it has on the ecosystem of Proctor. If we couldn’t find anything biodiversity in the pond then that will conclude that the pond is unhealthy. As a class we were sampling biotic and abiotic things and help us determine the health and Biodiversity that is in the pond. Over the years of testing the pond, there has been changes that surround the pond like the turf fields, the freeze and amount of rainfall that has occurred the past couple of years. The water is being tested by us and we are analyzing it and seeing if there is differences or similarities between the past years. From the data we found and compared the pond is slightly declining throughout the years and I believe the pond will increase in the years coming. Materials: All Sites used: -One pole net either wooden or m...